I went into the bookstore and asked the lady, “Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.

This bit of tongue-in-cheek humor comes courtesy of legendary comedian George Carlin. But all kidding aside, did you know the self-help industry reportedly rakes in an estimated $11 billion year over year? That’s some serious coinage.

Meanwhile, day after day, folks from all walks are helping themselves to a more fulfilling way of life by simply doing those things that make 'em feel, you guessed it, whole, happy and hungry for more.

Hi I’m Pat Lange, and just so you know, I'm not here to rip the self-help community, it's just that as anyone who's ever had a lick of ambition will attest, it takes a good deal more than instruction and/or inspiration to remain actively engaged in any worthwhile activity.

More often than not it takes some work. It also takes resources, resources that at times may be beyond one's own means, and that’s where I'd like to help.

So for every tee sold here at keeepitup.com I'll set aside a five-spot, and whereupon we hit a total of 25 tees I'll contribute a well-deserved $125.00 gift card. Granted, a hundred twenty-five bucks don’t amount to much these days, but here’s the kicker. The more tees we can sell the more money we can sock away.

It’s the Keeep It Up Givin’ Back Giveaway, and here’s how it works:

If you’ve been diligently working at something you genuinely enjoy or would like to achieve, and could maybe use a little, “added encouragement” I'd love to hear from you. I’d love to get your take on what it takes.

Sound good?

If so, please complete your purchase of one or more tees, then click the “Submit Your Story” button below and fill out the sign-up form. Your purchase order number and info will serve as confirmation and if your story meets the criteria outlined in the Submission Guidelines Section I'll verify with you by email that you're in the running for the Givin’ Back Giveaway.

And now the fun part, once you’ve purchased your tee(s) and submitted your story keep your eyes on the announcement bar atop any page, when the "orange" countdown number hits "0" I'll post the randomly selected story on both the Home Page and Instagram.

That’s pretty much it. So good luck, and as always, keep up the good work.