It's a given, big or small we all have dreams. That is of course, unless you’re like me, then they’re friggin’ ginormous. AMA motocross champion, drummer extraordinaire, master craftsman, these are the things I dreamt about as a youngster. And honestly, I feel I had as good a shot as anyone with a reasonal amount of ability to make good on ‘em. But here’s where I tripped up. Rather than simply being the best I can be, I got caught up in what could be, and that it turns out was a fatal mistake, because it resulted in me walking away from the things I enjoy most.  

Hey again, it's me Pat, and why am I telling you all this? Because while I’m all in when it comes to the idea of going big I also don’t want you to toss in the towel prematurely, and thereby (like me) miss out on what’ll likely be some of the most gratifying work you’ll ever do.

The tees, the books, the blog, they're all my way of encouraging you to keep doing what it is you enjoy doing whilst never ever losing sight of why you started doing it in the first place. Each, is an inherent part of my ongoing mission here at, a mission that from day one has remained unchanged: 

To serve as an unbroken reminder of just what a little stick-to-itiveness can achieve, just how incredibly satisfying it can feel, and, with a little luck, grant yours truly the joyous opportunity to lend a hand every now and again along the way.  

Thanks for the opportunity. Thanks for your support.