ConsistenSee What Happens A Sneak Peek At How It Feels To Diligently Work At Something You Genuinely Enjoy
It’s been written that the road to your best self can't be taught, it must be taken. Therefore, unlike the more popular information laden self-help highway, the route we’ll be traveling here in ConsistenSee What Happens steers clear of any instruction or advice, and instead, weaves in and around a series of emotional milestones.
Why? Because this is the road I took.
During the course of approximately four and a half years of daily dedication these are the milestones I hit and the emotions I felt, and I’m sharing them with you now because I wholeheartedly believe that when it comes to our own personal growth and achievement if there’s one thing worth sharing it’s not so much what it takes…it’s how it feels.
So if you’ve ever entertained the romantic (or perhaps daunting) notion of venturing down this road yourself, if you’ve ever held it in your heart to do something deeply rewarding, then consider this a test drive, a sort of guided tour, one I sincerely hope will encourage you to take the wheel, to stay the course, and to see for yourself…what happens.

Do What You Know A Story About Big Dreams, Hard Lessons and Simple Truths
It was Socrates, The Father of Western Philosophy who said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
Now I’m not about to fly in the face of time-honored wisdom, but I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts if you thumb through the pages of Do What You Know you’ll not only be pleasantly surprised by just how much you actually do know, but amazed at what you can accomplish by doing it, as well as, movingly reminded of all you’ll miss out on...if you don't.

Beyond Behind The Wheel Road Savvy Solutions For Today's Demanding Driving Conditions
In 2020 The National Safety Council reported that 42,060 people died in vehicle crashes in the U.S. That alone is appalling. But what’s more is in a study conducted by The Smith System Driver Improvement Institute it was determined that nearly 94% of all crashes are caused by human error. Ninety four percent!
Now granted, accidents will happen, but this statistic is downright indefensible. It’s also the reason I wrote Beyond Behind the Wheel.
As a fulltime trucker by trade for 30 plus years what I’ve witnessed out on the road each and every day is nothing less than disheartening; the carelessness, the recklessness, the all-out brazenness. These are behaviors no city, state or federal initiative can remedy, no innovative technology can prevent.
At the end of the day this is squarely on us, the driver, and together, we can fix this, we can make our roadways a safer and saner place for everyone to enjoy.